In this context, this event has the purpose of gathering the main actors of the NPL Servicing industry and its providers to reflex on the main topics related to the present and future of the NPL Market in Portugal as well as to comment on the numerous opportunities that are rising and how are they prepared to board them. Aspects such as NPL technology, management of new types of operations going on from Single names, Performing, Sub Performing to NPLs, their analysis will mark a roadmap for all the sector.

Performing, Sub Performing and Non Performing Exposures: Unlikely to pay, M&A, Single Names, Securitization and Non Performing Loans
What are the main characteristics of the different types of debt in Portugal and where will great investment opportunities be activated?
From uncertainty and paralysis to reactivation and resilience:
Buying - Selling portfolios in a post-pandemic scenario: What is the current industry reading of NPLs? Outlook, analysis and predictions for 2022 from an evolving industry in a context of many macroeconomic challenges. Access to financing as a key to improve margins and prices. What do advisors think about the big portfolio movements that are taking place and that are to come?
Perspectives from the credit sector:
What are the banks' expectations regarding the evolution of the crisis caused by COVID-19 and their perspectives for the post-pandemic years in relation to debt recovery and the wave of defaults expected in the coming years?
Investment opportunities in the Portuguese NPLs Market:
Types of transactions with greater interest. New niche investors interested in the Portuguese debt market have begun to be identified. How is the investment outlook viewed in the coming years?
Recovery specialization and sophistication to serve a niche market:
It has started a technological revolution applied to efficient credit risk assessment as well as debt recovery management where data analytics, AI, automation and customer-centric vision are protagonists.
Portfolio valuation, management and sale:
Specialized servicers analyze the existing opportunities with the different types of debt that are beginning to be offered in the market. Will the sale of Sub Performing debt by banks be activated by 2022? Will we see more single names transactions? Will there be more debt securitizations? Will prices reach pre-Covid levels according to their typology?
Cessation of aids, Layoffs and moratoriums:
What will be the legislative scenario in which the NPEs industry will develop in 2022? Current regulations and regulatory aspects as key to reactivation and return to normality. Judicial recovery and updating in bankruptcy matters.
Electronic signature, online auctions and tech solutions at the service of managing NPLs:
The pandemic brought with it an unprecedented technological acceleration that has facilitated the management of NPLs and has accelerated their development. What are the tools that have most facilitated and promoted credit management in all its phases?